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Last alphabetically, but by no means the least, Wendy is the kind of friend who ... well, let's put it this way:  If Maslow knew Wendy, he would have placed "knowing Wendy" right above physiological and saftey needs on his hierarchy to self-actualization.  To be a balanced, rounded, and truly happy person, you'd do well to have a friend like Wendy.  For one thing, she's both beauty *and* brains -- the type of person who makes you feel like you've not only learned something new, or partaken in something whitty, but also that you must be something pretty darn special because she graced you wtih her time and attention.

The best part, is that she goes about life being sweet and wonderful and pretty and intelligent, not even knowing she's any of that -- there's not a minescule drop of conceit in even one strand of Wendy's thick flowy hair. Her radiance is just genuine.  She listens when you're down, but will not shy away from telling you what you need to hear (even if you're not sure you *want* to hear it.)

Wendy and Charisse are Irvine Kappas.  Ironically, despite Wendy being probably one of the most demure and dainty of her friends, Charisse has had the bulk of her most random, crazy adventures with Miss Narez, including the fateful "quick, let's bounce [sic] away from those creepers!!!" pool incident that eventually lead to Vinh and Charisse falling madly in love.  On that note, Charisse is not alone in her high regard for her dear, sweet friend: Vinh and Wendy also have a special bond of sorts: they're not "buddies", or "pals", or "friends," or "guys" per se... they just "are"... and it's perfect.  (Good thing, too, becuase Charisse trusts Wendy's taste in boys almost more than she trusts her own -- So, Vinh getting the elusive "WenWen seal of approval" a huge deal...we mean huge.)

With that said, Wendy is the girl that Charisse feels most comfortable being randomly girly and geeky with.  It's great... Wendy indulges and condones Charisse's random inclinations for whimsy and knows just what to do, say, andor think to have the most fun but to keep things classy <3​

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