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F L O W E R S  •  T O  •  M A R Y

With the exception of his own flesh and blood, Bobby O' Connor is effectively Vinh's oldest brother (sorry, Quang!)  but in all seriousness, it is suffice to say that Bobby is Vinh's oldest, dearest friend.  Setting genetics aside, the two are as much brothers as brothers can be.

Amidst an unusual love of Star Trek, adventures in lawn mower business proposals (the enterprising pair of boys were way ahead of their time,) they co-authored the children's book, "The Big Aventures of Little Chicken" and were side by side with one another for the major milestones of their formative years.  Vinh and Bobby have a friendship that has spanned from Sacred heart for elementary and jr. high, Bellarmine for their outstanding Jebbie upbringing, all even throughout their respective colleges -- which eventually placed the boys on either side of the US.

Yet, with the distance of an entrire country between them, this connection has braved the test of time.  From that period well before girls were cool and still had "cooties," the boys grew into amazing and distinguished young men. Bobby is now a doctor whose practice is based in Massachusetts, and has recently started a promising life with fhis beautiful bride, Alexa.  Vinh and Charisse were honored to be able to witness in their union, and are more than happy to know that Bobby and Alexa will be there to take part in theirs.

Fortuitously for the famous Bobby and Vinh duo, they found amazing women to spend their lives with.  Alexa, Bobby's college sweetheart, and wife shares a special bond with Charisse, in that they already dotingly refer to each other as "sisters."  After a particularly auspicious New York getaway when the two couples met for the first time, and after the O'Connors' own wedding in October of last year, the most appropriate word for this merry foursome would have to be "kindred." The way the girls firgure it, this wedding will just make their sisterhood title offiicial

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