B E S T • M A N
Because today the two are bffffffffs -- best buddies, pals, mates, brothers, comrades ... you never could ever guess the humble beginning of their illustrious partnership. Well -- it's time to set the record straight, here and now:
Vinh and Anand met while gunrunning for rival VHS B-movie bootlegger gangs in the Serengeti. All seemed rather bleak for these two at the inception of their lives together as one was actually commissioned to assasinate the other, and vice-versa, thereby permanently ensuring their respective crew would have a monopoly on pirated copies of poorly dubbed video tapes of Pippi Longstockings and Six-String Samurai.
Vinh's mission, code name: Golden Kiwi Annihilation, and Annand's assignment, code name: Nimble Panda Extinction resulted in an unlikely alliance when years of grueling battle lead to the demise of an actual Nimble Panda who happened to choke violently to death after being force-fed the earth's last true Golden Kiwi to ever exist.
In the time that followed Vinh helped Anand escape from being wrongfully committed to the night's watch at the wall north of Winterfell and the two single-handedly (double-handedly, if you will) defeated an entire army of whitewalkers and ewoks. Later that day, Anand saved Vinh from a Tanzanian snake pit attack while en route home to find the real Ceasar's Palace.
With their death-defying adventures long behind them. The pair grew to become great friends. Anand, with his dealings in petrol, is now a wealthy oil baron, living in the heart of Chi-town. And Vinh and Charisse are truly honored to have a real-life crocodile dundee to stand by and witness their vows at their humble ceremony.
If you happen to come across Anand at the wedding, please do say, "Hello." He's actually a rather delightful fellow. Probably one of the most delightful fellows you'll ever meet... in your life... for real... And feel free to fawn over his wonderfully enticing New Zealand accent... everyone does... really -- we all do.